Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Triangle actively engages diversity, inclusion and cultural competencies throughout our organization. BBBST serves an incredibly diverse constituency of adult volunteers, youth and families of the youth, donors, and partners. It is paramount to achieving our mission to value diversity and practice inclusion amongst all of our stakeholders served by the organization.
In doing so, we recognize the strengths and challenges of diversity include but are not limited to: race, religion, national origin, color, economic status, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, marital status, disability education, expertise, and socio-economic status. The organization’s staff and board strive to be representative of the constituencies we serve.
The LGBTQ Supplement to the Elements of Effective Practice for Mentoring™ responds to a long-standing call to extend the reach and quality of mentoring relationships to one of our nation’s most underserved, marginalized, and vulnerable populations- youth who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning (LGBTQQ).
As a well-documented body of research has noted, large numbers of LGBTQQ youth are growing up at a deficit- facing difficult odds due to day-to-day experiences with societal stigma, victimization, bias, and rejection. Given such a landscape, there is a need for caring adults, advocates, and mentors now more than ever.
Follow our social media accounts and check your weekly emails from Match Support as we celebrate PRIDE all month long.