BBBSA President and CEO Pam Iorio Honored by People Magazine as one of 25 Women Changing the World
People Magazine published its annual list of “25 Women Changing the World,” and the list includes our President and CEO, Pam Iorio. While the headline may be “25 Women Changing the World,” we see the story as how Big Brothers Big Sisters agencies, our Bigs, and our partners are working together to change their communities.
We are celebrating this recognition in a national publication and taking a moment to reflect on the impact being made in the lives of young people, their families, and our Bigs. In the last 10 years, nearly 2 million youth have been served by Big Brothers Big Sisters. In all 50 states, Big Brothers Big Sisters agencies match youth with Bigs who help them increase their self-esteem, improve their grades, strengthen their social skills, and work toward their biggest possible futures.
In the interview with People Magazine, Pam said that she’s inspired by the impact that Bigs have in helping Littles realize their full potential. “It’s very emotional for me to meet a Big and a Little and to hear them talk about their relationship. Just recently one said to me that their Big Brother was the first person in his life who had high expectations for him. That’s the sort of thing that I hear all the time.”